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Section:  Excibitions   // date 29.10.2014
The 18th International exhibition was held in Moscow Exhibition Center on the 21-24th of October. «MARCH GROUP» as usual took part in this arrangement.    Read more

The award has found a hero

Section:  Company news   // date 17.06.2014
Programme producer Vasiliy apply all three electric shockers to Aleksander. The results have approved forward estimates.The first was nothing out of the common, the second was middling and the third was powerful.    Read more

Сәлем Қазақстаннан! Results of Participation in KADEX -2014

Section:  Excibitions   // date 10.06.2014
International exhibition of weapons systems and military equipment KADEX-2014  was held within the period from May 22 to May 25 in Astana city. «MARCH GROUP» took part in this arrangement for the second time.    Read more

Tests for human. «On the Edge». Program release 17

Section:  Video   // date 03.06.2014
Where does casualty effect lie in? What processes occur  in human body while electric shock? Can we stand against the opponent with stun gun? To answer these questions linkman has to try everything on himself.    Read more

Green Berets with Stun Guns

Section:  Excibitions   // date 28.05.2014
Tests for right to keep green beret were held on the 27th of May in Moscow on the base of special operations detachment  «Fakel». Within the framework of the activity there were an exhibition of military machinery and weapon in which «MARCH GROUP» has participated.    Read more

Innovations in the World of Electric-shock Weapon

Section:  Company news   // date 02.12.2013
Two new stun guns were added to the product line of non-military electric shockers. There are «Karakurt-Mini» and AIR «M-140».    Read more

Productive «Bezpeka»

Section:  Excibitions   // date 22.10.2013
The second time in this autumn «MARCH GROUP» come back from Kiev where it has been presented corporate interests. This time it was the 18th kievan exhibition «Bezpeka» which means «Safety».    Read more

«MARCH GROUP» Kiev Meetings

Section:  Excibitions   // date 07.10.2013
«MARCH GROUP» presented its products on the 10-th international exhibition «Arms and Security-2013» in Intenational Kiev Exhibition Centre on the 25-28th of September.    Read more

Electric shockers and Testing

Section:  Tests and Testing   // date 05.09.2013
MARCH's electric shock weapon is composed of self-engineered products. All of them took into account introduction of new technologies and Research and Advanced Development. Products are systematically tested on the each production stage. These facts provide safe and sustainability of products and instil confidence in quality conformance.    Read more

«Security and Safety Technologies» forum

Section:  Excibitions   // date 22.02.2013
From 12 till 15 February 2013 «MARCH GROUP» presented a new electric shock device «Karakurt-Mini» on the anniversary forum «Security and Safety Technologies».     Read more

Application of shooting stun guns «KCC»

Section:  Training and practice   // date 17.02.2013
The cartridge «KCC» («KC») is intended for preliminary disorientation (devocalizations, blinding) of one or several opponents and for further more effective appliance of a stun gun.    Read more

Application of shooting stun guns «UTED»

Section:  Training and practice   // date 17.02.2013
The unit of transportation of the electrical discharge («UTED») is intended to transfer high-voltage discharges of the stun gun to the enemy on distance up to 4.5 meters.    Read more

Electric Shocker Plus GP ReCyko+

Section:  Company news   // date 24.01.2013
After long laboratory researches  «MARCH GROUP» has equiped their products with new GP ReCyko+ accumulators. Besides their ease of use and economy new generation accumulators are eco-friendly.    Read more

Remote application. Instruction (step by step)

Section:  Training and practice   // date 19.01.2013
Remote application. Instruction (step by step) for cartridges «UTED» and «DEC»     Read more

Functional capabilities of electroshock devices Series «Scorpion»

Section:  Tests and Testing   // date 18.01.2013
Functional capabilities of electroshock devices Series «Scorpion» from MARCH GROUP company    Read more

Comparison Table of electroshock devices

Section:  Tests and Testing   // date 28.12.2012
Comparison Table of electroshock devices    Read more
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