«MARCH GROUP» company

Manufacturer of non-lethal weapons and security equipment for security services.

More than 30 years March Group develops and produces unique stun weapon which can be used as a contact or remote stun devices against criminals and violators of the law, ideal for crowd-control. Stun gun weapons are meant to be used in violent situations, to stop officers having to resort to guns or use lethal force.

«MARCH GROUP» is official supplier for all the military structures in Russia: Ministry of Internal Affairs, Special Police Forces, Head Department of the Penitentiary, Federal Bailiff Service, Federal Security Service, Federal Drug Control Service and etc.

Every electroshock device produced in the Company undergoes 5-level functional testing and has 1 year warranty period! All products are certified and cause no any permanent harm that is garanteed by medical and biologic expertise of State Scientific Centre certified by Russian Ministry of Health.

Contaсt and remote MARCH's electroshock devices are powerful self-protection weapon for your and your's family protection!

Catalog of products
Non-lethal electroshock weapons for citizens
Electroshock weapons for citizens
Серия электрошокеров для силовых структур
Law enforcement electroshock devices
Досмотровое устройство
Devices for inspection
Metall detector
Electroshock device and metal detector
Electric Shield «Skala»
Electric Shield «Skala»
Решение для котельных - «ЭЗАМ»
Autonomous portable igniter «EZAM»

Special extension piece for stun gun AIR «М-140»

Короткий текст 200-300 символов для короткого описания

«MARCH GROUP» company // 03.07.2024

Introducing a new modification of the training knife «COACH»

Relatively recently, the company offered Training centers to try out a novelty: a training knife «COACH». The knife is designed to practice knife fighting techniques and effective defense against the enemy with cold weapons.

Company news // 29.06.2023

INTERPOLITEX — 2022. Final

The company «MARCH GROUP», a leading manufacturer of electroshock weapons and security equipment, takes an active part in industry exhibitions, both in Russia and abroad. The partnership with Rosoboronexport and the joint exposition of products at the stand of the state-owned company allowed MART GROUP to significantly expand its audience at the exhibition.

Excibitions // 21.10.2022

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