Ergonomic stun gun «Karakurt-B»

Ergonomic battery – operated stun gun «Karakurt-B» is very convenient electric shocker for security guard, postman, emergency paramedic and any other man who can meet with irregularity.

The handle is optimized for safe and effective use for people of most sizes.

Our technology is designed to use electrical impulses similar to those in your body’s nervous system to cause stimulation of the sensory and motor nerves. Electricity can arc through most clothing, and even some bullet-resistant materials.

This stun gun is effective both in shoot or contact modes.

Specifications Features
  1. Output specifications1-2
    • • Wave form: monopolar pulse.
      • Pulse duration: 60÷70 µs.
      • Pulse rate: 80 ÷170 Hz.
      • Peak open circuit arcing voltage: 70 000÷120 000 V.
      • Power rating delivered into load: 3÷10 Watts.3
  2. Temperature range:
    battery: -15ºC to 50ºC
  3. Relative humidity: up to 98%
  4. Power source: battery 9V (Energizer).
  5. Housing: ABS plastic.
  6. Cartridge available up to a maximum range of 4.5 meters.
    The average accuracy in shooting consists 5÷10 cm between probes.
  1. Capable of drive-stun with worked out cartridge4 or without a cartridge installed.
  2. Electrical charge can penetrate up to 3,5 cm cumulative of clothing or 2,5 cm per probe.
  3. Warranty: 1 year standard with extended warranties available5.
  4. Compatible with all MARCH GROUP cartridges.
Physical Characteristics (Dimensions without cartridge)
Length (L) Width (W) Thickness (D) Weight
150±2 mm 110±2 mm 35±1 mm 210±20 g

1 Output specifications may vary depending on temperature, battery charge, and load characteristics.
2 Output specifications derived from 1000 Ω (Ohms) resistive load measurements.
3 For non-military weapon.
4 Cartridge is current-conducting, there is no need to put it off after shooting for drive-stun impact. Use of cartridge not authorized by March Group will void the product warranty.
5 Additional terms and conditions may apply.


Cartridges, nozzles and accessories

Technical documentation and Descriptions

Dimensions, weight and specifications are for reference only.
*Additional options of products in line with customer and cost base are not included.
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