Unit of transportation of the electrical discharge «UTED» (type 01)

«Round» shooting cartridge «UTED» (type 01) for the shocker gun - AIR «M-140». Designed for remote application shocker at a distance of 4.5 meters.

When you press the trigger shocker-gun cartridge fires affecting harpoons electrodes. Harpoons firmly cling to clothes made of fine wires to them fed current from the shocker. Taking a shot, hold the trigger in order not to interrupt the passage of the striking pulse.

If after shooting circumstances require the use of contact shocker, do not need to take the time to remove the spent cartridge.

«UTED» (type 01) was created specifically for the new model stun AIR «M-140» in the form of a pistol. In it there is a special grenade launcher to carry a spare cartridge.

Important! «UTED» should be set any flat side up.

Technical documentation and Descriptions

Dimensions, weight and specifications are for reference only.
*Additional options of products in line with customer and cost base are not included.
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