Sound and flash cartridge «KCC»

The cartridge «KCC» is intended for preliminary disorientation (devocalizations, blinding) of one or several opponents and for further more effective appliance of a stun gun.

This cartridge creates at a shot the powerful flash blinding the attacker. Besides, at the moment of a shot extremely loud sound is generated.

For the further appliance of an electroshock it is not required to remove a cartridge.

It is recommended to use contact-mode of an electroshock immediately after shot with a cartridge while the opponent is deafened.

  • The cartridge «KCC» is installed in a jack between fighting electrodes of a stun gun.
  • As a result after a shot the enemy will be stunned and dazzled.
  • Appliance of the cartridge «KCC» from distance less than 1 meter to the opponents is categorically forbidden.
  • After a shot you can rig up a new cartridge or use the stun gun in a contact-mode through the cartridge. No need to put it off or wait.
  • After a shot the cartridge «KCC» can`t be reconstructed!

Independent use of the unit (outside the stun gun) is not stipulated.

Name Value
Type Сartridge
Material Plastics
Appropriation For non-military weapon
Sound-pressure level No more than 135 dB.
Length 44,5±1 mm
Width 28,5±1 mm
Height 15±1 mm
Weight No more than 0,013±0,002 kg.

Print information about cartridge «KCC» Video Product

Company «MARCH» It ensures the correct operation of the cartridge only with own-produced electroshock devices!


Technical documentation and Descriptions

Dimensions, weight and specifications are for reference only.
*Additional options of products in line with customer and cost base are not included.
Product video

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